Styles B. Sharp

(Presenter, Signature Radio UK)

Styles B.Sharp, (aka ‘Stylee’) views himself as a ‘veteran’ in the game, with over 40 years experience in the UK Urban music scene. Styles’ musical roots are firmly rooted in Reggae but over the years his musical tastes have diversified to also include the genres of Soul, R&B and UK Garage, amongst others.

Of Jamaican heritage, Styles’ journey through the urban music scene started in the early 80’s on reggae sound systems. During his time in the UK urban music scene, Styles has played sound systems or DJ’d at numerous venues across the South West and promoted large raves (Jungle Rock UK 1994 – 1996). Styles is an accomplished sound engineer and is still very much a ‘Sound System Man’ at heart.

Styles is also a passionate Arsenal supporter (from the days of Rocastle, Thomas & Davis). “God, Family, Music, Football & Dominoes – That’s me!”, Styles says.